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首页 期刊 动物学研究杂志 动物学研究杂志介绍(非官网)


主管单位:中国科学院  主办单位:中国科学院昆明动物研究所;中国动物学会

人气 11194

动物学研究 2017年第02期杂志 文档列表

The role of wildlife (wild birds)in the global transmission of antimicrobial resistance genes第55-80页
Food restriction affects maternal investment but not neonate phenotypes in a viviparous lizard第81-87页
Comparative study of the transfection efficiency of commonly used viral vectors in rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) brains第88-95页
Dynamic changes in DNA demethylation in the tree shrew (Tupaia belangeri chinensis) brain during postnatal development and aging第96-102页
Characterization of cyclophilin D in freshwater pearl mussel (Hyriopsis schlegelii)第103-109页
FasParser: a package for manipulating sequence data第110-112页
Author Guidelines for Submitting Manuscripts to Zoological Research第113-114页
Call for papers of the special issue on Animal Models and Infectious Diseases第I0001-I0002页